Eau, conflit, coopérationPar Katarina CSEFALVAYOVA
Comment citer cet articleKatarina CSEFALVAYOVA, "Eau, conflit, coopération", CERISCOPE Environnement, 2014, [en ligne], consulté le 11/10/2024, URL : http://ceriscope.sciences-po.fr/environnement/content/part2/eau-conflit-cooperationPlan de l'article:• BENCALA K. R., DABELKO G. D. (2008) « Water Wars: Obscuring Opportunities », Journal of International Affairs, vol. 61, n° 2, p. 21-34. • DE VILLIERS M. (2003) Water: The fate of our most precious ressource, Toronto, McLelland&Steward. • FAO Aquastat (2009) Jordan River Basin. • FAO Aquastat (2005) Sudan (Pre-2011). • FAO Aquastat (2014) Ethiopia. • FAO Aquastat (2014) Egypt. • GALLAND F. (2008) L’eau. Géopolitique, enjeux, stratégies, Paris, CNRS Editions. • LASSERRE F. (2009) Les Guerres de l’eau. L’eau au cœur des conflits du XXIe siècle, Paris, Delavilla. • LIBISZEWSKI S. (1995) Water disputes in the Jordan Basin Region and their role in the resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Zurich, ENCOP. • TADESSE D. (2008) The Nile: Is it a curse or blessing?, Institut d’études de sécurité, ISS Paper 174, novembre 2008. • THE ECONOMIST (2010) For Want of a Drink – A special report on water, 22-28 mai 2010. • WATERBURY J. (2002) The Nile Basin: National Determinants of Collective Action, New Haven, Yale University Press. • WOLF A. T. (1995) Hydropolitics along the Jordan River: Scarce Water and its Impact on the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Tokyo, UN University Press. »
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