« Soft power ». Sens et usages d'un concept incertainPar Jean LECA
Comment citer cet articleJean LECA, "« Soft power ». Sens et usages d'un concept incertain", CERISCOPE Puissance, 2013, [en ligne], consulté le 10/10/2024, URL : http://ceriscope.sciences-po.fr/puissance/content/part2/soft-power-sens-et-usages-d-un-concept-incertainPlan de l'article:• BADIE B., DEVIN G. (dir.) (2007) Le Multilatéralisme, Paris, La Découverte. • BAUMAN Z. (1999) Globalization: The Human Consequences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. • BOBBITT Ph. (2013) The Garments of Court and Palace. Machiavelli and the World That He Made, New York, Grove Press. • BROOKS S. (2011) « Unilateralism », in Badie B., Berg Schlosser D., Morlino L. (dir.), International Encyclopedia of Political Science, New York, Sage, vol. 8, pp. 2674-2677. • BULL H. (1977) The Anarchical Society, New York, Columbia University Press. • BULL H. (1982) « Civilian Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms? », Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 21, n°2, pp. 149-164. • CASTELLS M. (2009) Communication Power, Oxford, Oxford University Press. • DAVIS CROSS M. (2011a) « Europe: A Smart Power », International Politics, vol. 48, n°6, pp. 691-706. • DAVIS CROSS M. (2011b) Security Integration in Europe. New Knowledge-Based Networks are Transforming the European Union, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press. • DOYLE M. (2011) « International Ethics and The Responsibility to Protect », International Studies Review, vol. 13, n°1, pp. 72-84. • DUCHÊNE F. (1972) « Europe in World Politics », in Mayne, R. (dir.), Europe Tomorrow, Londres, Fontana. • KEANE J. (2003) Global Civil Society?, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. • KEOHANE R., MACEDO S., MORAVCSIK A. (2009) « Democracy Enhancing Multilateralism », International Organization, vol. 63, n°1, pp. 1-31. • KETOLA M. (2011) « EU Democracy Promotion in Turkey: Funding NGOs, Funding Conflicts? », International Journal of Human Rights, vol. 15, n°6, pp. 787-800. • KRASNER S. (dir.) (1983) International Regimes, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. • KREPS S. D. (2008) « Multilateral Military Interventions. Theory and Practice », Political Science Quarterly, vol. 123, n°4, pp. 573-603. • KUBICHEK P. (2011) « Political Conditionality and European Union’s Cultivation of Democracy in Turkey », Democratization, vol. 18, n°4, pp. 910-931. • LAÏDI Z. (2008) La norme sans la force : l’énigme de la puissance européenne, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po. • LAÏDI Z. (2013) « The End of the Minervian Moment? », in Tiberghien Y. (dir.), Leadership in Global Institutions. Building Minerva’s Rule, Londres, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 252-260. • LITTLE R. (2007) The Balance of Powers in International Relations: Metaphors, Myths and Models, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. • LUTTWAK E. (2013) The Rise of China and the Logic of Strategy, Cambridge, Harvard University Press. • MEARSHEIMER J. (2001) The Tragedy of Great Powers Politics, New York, Norton. • MOROZOV C. (2011) The Net Delusion. How Not to Liberate the World, Londres, Allen Lane. • NYE J. (2011) The Future of Power, New York, Public Affairs. • NYE J. (2013) Presidential Leadership and the Creation of the American Era, Princeton, Princeton University Press. • RID Th. (2013) Cyber War Will not Take Place, Londres, Hurst. • ROSECRANCE R. (1999) The Rise of the Virtual State, New York, Basic Books. • RUGGIE J. (1992) Multilateralism Matters. The Theory and Practice of an Evolutionary Form, New York, Columbia University Press. • RUGGIE J. (2004) « Reconstituting the Global Public Domain. Issues, Actors and Practices », European Journal of International Relations, vol. 8, n°4, pp. 499-531. • SHAMBAUGH D. (2012) China Goes Global: The Partial Power, Oxford, Oxford University Press. • SIL R., KATZENSTEIN P. (2010) Beyond Paradigms. Analytical Eclecticism in the Study of World Politics, New York, Palgrave Macmillan. • SIMPSON E. (2012) War from the Ground Up. Twenty First Century Combat and Politics, Londres, Hurst. • TIBERGHIEN Y. (dir.) (2013) Leadership in Global Institutions. Building Minerva’s Rule, Londres, Palgrave Macmillan. • WALTZ K. (1979) Theory of International Politics, New York, McGraw-Hill. • WOLFERS A. (1962) Discord and Collaboration, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press.
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