L’Anthropocène et ses victimes. Une réflexion terminologiquePar François GEMENNE
Comment citer cet articleFrançois GEMENNE, "L’Anthropocène et ses victimes. Une réflexion terminologique", CERISCOPE Environnement, 2014, [en ligne], consulté le 18/01/2025, URL : http://ceriscope.sciences-po.fr/environnement/content/anthropocene-et-ses-victimes-une-reflexion-terminologiquePlan de l'article:• BENISTON M. (2004) « Issues Relating to Environmental Change and Population Migrations. A Climatologist’s Perspective », in J. D. Unruh, M. S. Krol, N. Kliot (eds), Environmental Change and its Implications for Population Migration, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers. • BLACK R., BENNETT S. R. G., THOMAS S. M., BEDDINGTON J. R. (2011) « Migration as adaptation », Nature, vol. 478, n° 7372, p. 447-449. • CONISBEE M., SIMMS A. (2003) Environmental Refugees. The case for Recognition, Londres, New Economics Foundation. • DE SHERBININ A., CASTRO M., GEMENNE F., CERNEA M. M., ADAMO S., FEARNSIDE P. M., KRIEGER G., LAHMANI S., OLIVER-SMITH A., PANKHURST A., SCHUDDER T., SINGER B., TAN Y., WANNIER G., BONCOUR P., EHRHART C., HUGO G., PANDEY B., SHI G. (2011) « Preparing for Resettlement Associated with Climate Change », Science, vol. 334, n° 6055, p. 456-457. • DYNES R. R. (1997) « The Lisbon Earthquake in 1755: Contested Meanings in the First Modern Disaster », Preliminary papers, n° 255, Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware. • FARBOTKO C. (2010) « “The global warming clock is ticking so see these places while you can”: Voyeuristic tourism and model environmental citizens on Tuvalu’s disappearing islands », Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, vol. 31, n° 2, p. 224-238. • FORESIGHT (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Change. Final Project Report, Londres, The Government Office for Science. • GEMENNE F. (2011a) « How they became the human face of climate change. Research and policy interactions in the birth of the “environmental migration” concept », in E. Piguet, A. Pécoud, P. de Guchteneire (eds), Migration and Climate Change, Cambridge/Paris, Cambridge University Press/UNESCO, p. 225-259. • GEMENNE F. (2011b) « Why the numbers don’t add up: A review of estimates and predictions of people displaced by environmental changes », Global Environmental Change, vol. 21, Supplement 1, p. S41–S49. • GEMENNE F. (2013) « Migration doesn’t have to be a failure to adapt: an escape from environmental determinism » in J. P. Palutikof, S. L. Boulter, A. J. Ash, M. Stafford-Smith, M. L. Parry, M. Waschka, & D. Guitart (Eds.), Climate Adaptation Futures (pp. 235–241). Brisbane: Wiley and Sons. • KIBREAB G. (1997) « Environmental Causes and Impact of Refugee Movements: A Critique of the Current Debate », Disasters, vol. 21, n° 1, p. 20-38. • LEE E. S. (1966) « A Theory of Migration », Demography, vol. 3, n° 1, p. 47-57. • McADAM J. (2009) « From Economic Refugees to Climate Refugees? », Melbourne Journal of International Law, vol. 10, n° 2, p. 579-595. • MAERTENS L. (2012) Le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (HCR) face aux catastrophes naturelles : ce que le tsunami de 2004 a changé, Paris, L’Harmattan. • MYERS N. (2002) « Environmental refugees: a growing phenomenon of the 21st century », Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, vol. 357, n° 1420, p. 609-613. • OLIVER-SMITH A. (2006) « Disasters and Forced Migration in the 21st Century », Understanding Katrina. Perspectives from the Social Sciences, Social Sciences Research Council. • RAIN D. (1999) Eaters of the Dry Season: Circular Labor Migration in the West African Sahel, New York, Westview Press. • STERN N. (2009) The Global Deal. Climate Change and the Creation of a New Era of Progress and Prosperity, New York, Public Affairs. • SWYNGEDOUW E. (2014) « Anthropocenic Promises: The End of Nature, Climate Change and the Process of Post-Politicization », Séminaire au Centre d’études et de recherches internationales (CERI), Sciences Po, Paris, 2 juin 2014. • YENOTANI M. (2014) Global Estimates 2014. People displaced by disasters, Genève, IDMC. »
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